Ladies do you know how powerful you are? Did you know you can control your man simply by speaking to him?! I can hear some of you now,"Girl, you are crazy! I can't get that man to do a thing I ask!" But in truth you can! You have a tremendous power over your man just through your words!
Men have a strong desire to feel like a "Man!" They want to be good providers! They want to be loved and valued! Your words can make them feel that way. If they have this feeling they will move Heaven and Earth for you! So don't nag them! Don't talk bad about them to your girlfriends! Praise them for what they do right! Earnestly thank them for the awesome things they do! They will do even more! Your words can build them up or tear them down! So if your boyfriend or husband is not acting like you want or like he cares, step back. Start listening to how you speak to him. Watch his facial expressions! If you are tearing him down, apologize. Remember the man you first met and start building him back up! Be his biggest fan and best friend! Remember, your words MATTER!
People do not understand the power of words. Everyone has that tiny voice in their heads. All day long it whispers your subconscious thoughts to you....Have you ever thought about using the power of your words to your advantage?
Friday, September 12, 2014
You can build him up or tear him down!
Saturday, September 6, 2014
September Word of the Month: FREE/FREEDOM
The word FREE has many definitions. Some are based off a positive thought process and others off a negative one. FREE is often thought of and defined as, "Costing nothing. Not occupied or used. To disengage." There really is not such a thing as something for nothing! The truth is even gifts cost the giver something. When most people say something is FREE, they mean it didn't cost them anything! This is a selfish and ungrateful way to look at the world! It can be a dangerous way as well. It can lead to an entitlement attitude. ( ) People also often think of the word FREE in a patriotic sense. It means we have rights and live in a democracy. But the word FREE should hold a much greater significance. The word FREE is also defined as, "Not bound or constrained. Not under obligation or necessity. Not affected by a given condition or circumstance. To rid of or release." If you have financial FREEDOM and believe in God you will have this type of FREEDOM. When you have enough money to be financially FREE you don't have a job. FREEDOM from a job means you are not under obligation to do what a boss says to do. You don't have a necessity to go to work to earn a living. Financial FREEDOM and faith in God give you the confidence to overcome circumstances! These two FREEDOMS release most of our daily stress and leave us FREE to pursue our dreams!