A wise man once said, "An honest man's word is as good as his bond."(Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra) Friends need to know they can rely on you. If you want true lasting relationships with others there has to be unbreakable trust between you.
People who don't keep their promises do not protray a good business image. Being on time and following through with things that you say you will do, is key. It shows the customer that it is about them and not you. It builds loyalty. For example, if you make a contract with another company, you have to follow that contract or face legal charges. If you say something about your product to get people to buy it, it better be true. If you sell it to someone and it is not true, you lose more than the trust of that one customer. You lose every potential customer that asks their opinion.
It is especially vital that you keep promises to children. They hang on your every word. If you break a promise it breaks their heart and weakens your bond. Teaching your children to keep promises is giving them a legacy. It is a legacy of integrity that they will pass on to their children.
Many of the promises people break seem small to them. But to others they are large. For example, if you tell a loved one you will call or visit, you should. To you it just slipped your mind. To them it is an indication of your lack of thought and caring for them. If you need to, when you make a promise like that, book it in your calendar right then. Keeping these promises only requires a change of attitude. It is a maturity issue. Either you chose to think twice before you speak, so as to mean what you say, or you don't. Also if someone asks something of you that you don't want to do, say no. Don't promise and then blow them off. They may not be important to you but if you lie, you lose your creditability. You do not lose it with just them. You lose it with anyone who knows and yourself.
Keeping promises to yourself builds belief in yourself. If you want to be sure you can keep promises to yourself then you need to do 3 things. One, make your promise or goal specific and realistic. Two, have a clear plan of action. Lastly, ask yourself if you want your promise or goal bad enough to do what is required on a daily basis. The last part is crucial. Don't lie to yourself here or your will not keep your promise to yourself!
(NKJV) Hebrews 10:23 says, "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." In other words, God keeps his promises. (KJV) 3 John 1:2 says, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." So hold fast to the promise of God that you will prosper. Then in his name and his honor remember the importance of keeping your promises!
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